January's Mission of the Month is the Fly Like Chi Foundation. The mission of the Fly Like Chi Foundation is to support and provide opportunities through sports and after school activities for children in the foster care system so they can thrive and discover their natural gifts and abilites. Our chapel offerings this month will go to help support their programs.
January's Core Essential is "Resilience".
Resilience is getting back up when something gets you down. We know that it is very important that all children learn resilience in life. From toddlerhood on, as parents we teach them to get back up on their feet when they fall down, to learn to work through problems and solve challenges. Enrolling students in programs like sports give them loads of opportunities to learn to be resilient when they fail at a task or lose a game. Being able to "get back up" after facing a hardship is one of the most important life lessons we instill in our children.
From a Biblical worldview, we know that when we place our lives and faith in God, we know He will sustain us and will help us be resilient as we face great hardships in life. It is by His grace and comfort that we find strength. As we venture into this new year, how can you model resiliency to your children? It is important that our kids see us fail and get back up!