Committed to Serving Students in Grades K-5
School Day 8:30am-3:30pm at our Sumner Campus.
School Age Care (Before & After) Provided at the Sumner Campus.
Transportation is available daily between campuses.
Explore what makes us different!
For more information or to line up a tour/shadow visit:
TODAY! - We accept inquiries and conduct private family tours and shadow days throughout the school year. Plan early and book your private family tour.
January 28 - Prospective students "Explore! Christ Lincoln Schools", for prospecitve students and their families to come find out what makes Christ Lincoln Schools different!
January 28 - Applications for Admissions for the 25-26 school year open. Applications should be submitted by February 15. New applications once submitted and processed will receive an invitation to complete Enrollment after February 3. Current students are automatically re-enrolled on February 1 of each year.
February 14 - Priority Financial Aid Applications due! If you are planning on applying for financial aid, you will want to complete your application for admission and application for financial aid by February 14. Contact the school office for the application.
Mid-March - Financial aid award letters and tuition agreements sent out to all families.
We accept new student applications throughout the year. We currently have seats available in all our grade-levels. No matter when you make the decision to provide a quality, Christian education for your child, reach out. We would love to walk you through the process!
At Christ Lincoln Schools Elementary, we strongly believe that Christian education is not a commodity. It’s a ministry. It’s a commitment. It’s a connection — a connection between your child’s needs, your family philosophy, and our mission. That's why the first and most important consideration is what is best educationally for your child. All other considerations are secondary.
Budgeting is important, and we recognize that tuition is a significant investment in the life of your child. That’s why we have a robust tuition assistance program and have built a strong scholarship fund supported by generous donors who believe in our mission. We are here to assist families who demonstrate a financial need through our financial aid application process. We use an online, third-party vendor that is highly confidential.
To assist families as they budget and ensure Christ Lincoln Schools utilizes the funds we have been entrusted with in a way that helps as many families in need as possible, families who show financial need can expect to receive tution assistance for no more than 50% of their child(ren)'s tution. Financial assistance from outside sources like home congregational support will be in addition to the tution assistance offered by Christ Lincoln Schools.
If you have questions about our tution assistance and scholarship programs, please speak with our Principal or Director of Admissions when you visit!
Tuition and fees are a necessary part of providing a top-quality Christian education for our students. We work very hard to keep costs down and tution rates low. Thanks to generous donors, we are able to contiue to provide tuition rates that are far below the actual cost to educate our students. If you have any questions about the costs, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Our Elementary students wear uniforms to school each day. The purpose of school uniforms is to foster an environment of learning and self-discipline, create pride within our team, support a studious and disciplined environment, reduce peer pressures, and help remove unnecessary distractions.
We offer a flexible uniform program with some required official uniform pieces and the option of purchasing some items from places you choose. Our provider of official uniform items is School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger.